4 bedroom country boho home mixed with a bit of funk
The girls playroom, with lots of colour and room for creativity #schminktisch #bücherregal #pastelliebe
A wonderful mix of all things beautiful, white, light and colorful, with a focus on upcycled and self made furniture and deco
Our country style kitchen with a touch of funk #funkyangie #tulpenliebe
Wer wohnt hier?
Lorna, Malte, sweet Norah und hurricane Josie
Wieviel Platz ist vorhanden?
Girls bedroom with lots of self made furniture and diy bean bag #sitzsack #furnitureupcycling
Absoluter Lieblingsplatz in der Wohnung
My office in the corner of our super cosy loft bedroom… skylights, country style floors and my favorite- a pegboard
Das schönste Deko-Teil
Funky Angie and funky Madiba posters
My love for peg boards is above and beyond, lucky I have a very handy husband #pegboard #countrykitchen
Und wie sieht´s bei dir aus?
Ich liebe das Country Bild von Angie 😂😂